CL Moe University of Florida Emerging Pathogens Institute Seminar Series Dr. Christine Moe presented at the University of Florida as part of The Emerging Pathogens Institute Seminar Series. Dr. Moe shared findings from SaniPath Exposure Assessments conducted in seven cities around the world. Comparisons of results from assessments in different settings allows for trends in exposure, both regionally and globally, to be explored to highlight routes of exposure to fecal contamination that are of increased importance. Produce, Open Drains, and Flood water are commonly observed to be dominant pathways of exposure for adults and children across study sites.
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D Berendes J Leon, A Kirby, J Clennon, S Raj, H Yakubu, K Robb, A Kartikeyan, P Hemavathy, A Gunasekaran, B Ghale, JS Kumar, V Mohan, G Kang, and CL Moe
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – Invited Talk (2016)
In 2016, David Berendes was invited by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine to present a research study, which examined the contribution of a child’s household/neighborhood environments and behaviors associated with exposure to enteric infection risk in an urban slum in India. Both spatial data was collected and behavioral surveys were conducted to assess exposure.
SaniPath - Sep 1, 2016
D Berendes, J Leon, A Kirby, J Clennon, S Raj, H Yakubu, K Robb, A Kartikeyan, P Hemavathy, A Gunasekaran, B Ghale, JS Kumar, V Mohan, G Kang, and CL Moe
David Berendes presented a poster entitled Risk factors for pediatric enteric infection in an urban slum: Examining the contributions of the household environment, neighborhood geography, and exposure behaviors. The poster presented research, which examined the contribution of a child’s household/neighborhood environments and behaviors associated with exposure to enteric infection risk in an urban slum in India. Both spatial data was collected and behavioral surveys were conducted to assess exposure. This poster was presented at the ISEE conference, an annual scientific conference that “includes plenary sessions, symposia, and poster and oral presentations of accepted abstracts.”
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